The Lassen County Courthouse dedication was not the only event to occur at the same time. For over a year, Susanville resident, Jules Alexander spear headed a fundraising drive for a new Peter Lassen’s Monument. The day before the courthouse ceremony several hundred people gathered at Peter Lassen’s grave. When the attendees arrived the new granite marker was draped in a large American flag. A supposed relation of Lassen’s, Mrs. May Lassen, who it was said was the wife of Lassen’s nephew, did the unveiling. This was followed by the obligatory speeches of local dignitaries.
Robert M. Cook, of the Lassen Weekly Mail wrote that more was needed to be done with the new monument: “The location is one of great scenic beauty and it is hoped that it can be made an official cemetery and thus secure the care of the county in keeping the grounds in first-class condition. There is no fund at present for this purpose and it will be a shame to allow the beautiful stone that has been erected to become the center of unkempt and neglected grounds.”
What was the date of the dedication?