1887 Brand Directory

Brand Cover553

In 1887, two Modoc ranchers, Frank C. Dean and Wilson S. Bayley published a comprehensive 371-page brand directory entitled the Northern California and Southern Oregon Stock Directory. It was an admirable job and in the introduction, they wrote: “All Stockmen are aware that each winter, in every small section of the country, a number of stock remain unclaimed, and on the other hand a number are unfound.

“The object of this directory is to overcome this state of affair, which it doubtless will be to a great extent.

“In forming this book our idea has been to give the desired information in as concise and clear a manner as possible, and after careful consideration we have come to the conclusion that this is what is best calculated to meet the requirements.

“We hope all will consider the difficulties to be overcome in compiling a work of this kind for the first time, and make due allowance for any deficiencies.”

A little trivia about this brand book. There are only five known copies to exist. In 1997, a copy sold for $15,000.

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