Willow Creek Valley Cemetery

Lassen County

Willow Creek CemeteryThis is a private (Native American) cemetery located in the western end of the valley among the pine trees, approximately 18 miles north of Susanville.

Headstone enumeration compiled by Tim I. Purdy March 24, 1979

Jackson, Albert “Al” – 1888-1932
Jackson, Marian – b. April 18, 1931 d. April 7, 1940
Wilson, Howard S. – b. January 10, 1882 d. April 4, 1918

The following are names of those interred there, but have no headstone and/or marker.

Ives, Mattie – d. September 2, 1932
Ives, Peter – d. August 27, 1933
Jackson, Susie – d. February 18, 1922
Wilson, Susie d. October 1922, age 100+ years
Yslas, Louise Harum d. 15 August 1940, age 73

Exploring Lassen County's Past