2 thoughts on “Pioneer Barber Shop 1903”

  1. Did any thing in this 1903 Pioneer Barber Shop photo make it to a Museum in Susanville,California ?

  2. Hell, the Pioneer Bar WAS a living museum, until the federal government, under pretext of the “spotted owl”, eliminated the logging industry otherwise known as Susanville, Ca.

    But don’t worry, although having kicked out its teeth, the feds gave Susanville a set of dentures, known as the prison industry; the hallmarks of which are evidenced by the ’boutiques’ currently occupying its formerly meaningful storefronts, managed by housewives of prison officials who for want of meaning otherwise by the federal government or the spotted owl, now sell and recycle sundry infatuations among themselves in the main street dust of a formerly glorious singular place and time in American history.

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